This site focuses entirely on mods for and compatible with Street Fighter x Tekken on PC. For information and mods related to SSF4 - Arcade Edition and/or vanilla SF4-PC, visit our sister sites, and
(where you'll find anything character-specific, such as skins, voices, FX, etc.)
*NEW* Custom Characters
Alt Costume Ports from 360
AE Alt Costume Port Pack
Segadordelinks' Slingshot Bikini Pack
Tools and Tutorials
(tools and tutorials written for vanilla SF4 and SSF4AE Street Fighter should be largely applicable to SFxT)
SFxT-specific Tutorials
SFxT-specific Tools
Original Character Backups (uploaded by Segadordelinks)
Original Stage Backups (uploaded by streetfighterrox)
This site is not intended for technical support. If you have questions about using/applying any of the mods you find here, please visit the Shoryuken forums.
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